You are Having Trouble Gaining ROM for Hip Orthopedic Contracture, You Need to Add...
A. Stretch in Clinic Aggressively
B. Self Capsular Mobs 4x/Day HEP
C. Fascia Release in Clinic
***CLINICAL REASONING: The answer is “B,” Self Capsular Jt Mobs 4x a Day. I see a lot of patients that have been either misdiagnosed and/or had a botched rehab. Over the years, I have seen a lot of orthopedic contractures that idiopathically develop or are from failed hip, knee, elbow ankle rehabs. The reason the other rehab courses didn’t work was almost always, lack of safely aggressive HEP and not addressing the fact that these patients almost always have joint capsular contractures as well as muscle. You MUST address the joint capsule contractures DIRECTLY with self joint mobs. Muscle stretching that indirectly pulls on the capsule is often not sufficient. The key to releasing a joint and muscle contracture is to NEVER let it recoil, meaning 4x day joint mobs and stretching at home, mandatory! This usually takes 3-6 months but I don’t remember a patient that put in the effort that it didn’t work for!
Fascia release is great but if the patient has a capsular contracture it won’t release that. Just muscle stretching is not enough to successfully rehab a joint contracture.
Hope this help! Go to for my FREE published papers/protocols and diagnostic procedures.