Whelton Myofascial Referral TechniqueTM is a breakthrough for the treatment of pain. Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds every blood vessel, organ, nerve and muscle of the body. Fascia is often described as a suit that connects the whole body. The myofascia refers specifically to the fascia surrounding the muscles.
Dr. Whelton has identified how every millimeter of the myofascia connects to over thirty other areas of the body in a new and very precise way. Any one point in the body has a connection to another point when an exact patient positioning and angle of pressure is applied the way Dr. Whelton has mapped it. When one of these referral point(s) is stimulated in an effort to affect an injury or painful area on another part of the body the results are often remarkable. There are some similarities in the acupuncture, trigger point and pressure point charts, however, this is a revolutionary new system with never before documented connections.
Once the practitioner learns the easy to use system they can start instantly relieving pain, increasing range of motion and decreasing muscle spasm. Practitioners will also see an expedited healing rate in their patients.
Any clinician will start seeing the results that Dr. Whelton achieves. Courses are now being taught to physical therapists, physical therapists assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, massage therapists, chiropractors, nurses, medical doctors and osteopathic physicians.
"If this treatment looks too good to be true, it is not, I can relieve 90% of my patients' pain instantly, this is a game-changer in the PT world!"
-Katie Hohman, DPT, Owner/CEO Hohman Rehab, Clermont, FL
"This treatment method is extraordinary, I cannot believe I can now instantly relieve the majority of my patients' pain, they are shocked and thrilled with the immediate results. I would highly recommend his course to anyone."
-Lawren Todd, DPT
"Dr.Whelton‘s treatment is extremely helpful for my patients, I can help reduce their pain immediately, at least 60% to 75% in the first visit. I can improve patients' ROM and function much faster than any other method in such a short time. I enjoyed his course, amazed with the outcomes."
-Yalcin Ekren, PT MDT, PT, DPT,
Owner of 3 Ekren Physical Therapy Clinics in Florida