Courses Taken
In-Depth Myofascial Course - Instant Pain Relief Course, Contact Provider for Body Parts Taken, Online Beginner Course - Instant Pain Relief Course, Contact Provider for Body Parts Taken, Rehab Results Course - Dr. Whelton's Root Cause Protocols Course, Sciatica/Cervical Radiculopathy Course for Neurolgical Symptoms in the Arms/Legs
I have been a physical therapist for 10 years working in a variety of orthopedic and neuro-based clinics. Currently I work as a mobile outpatient therapist working with a wide variety of orthopedic and neurologic patients. I initially was introduced to Doctor Whelton's methods a few years ago starting with the introductory shoulder and rehab protocol course. Utilizing these methods, I have seen an increase in my positive patient outcomes. Since then, I have completed all of Doctor Whelton's advanced courses.